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I had to move back to Sydney after 6 months in Auckland where I had piano lessons with Cam. He was absolutely fantastic and I really wanted to be able to leave a recommendation on the page or something similar as I was so disappointed I had to discontinue my lessons with him without telling him how much I enjoyed it. This seems like the second best way to do it! I felt very nervous about starting piano lessons again but his passion for music and enthusiasm for my wanting to learn made me feel so at ease and excited to learn again.

He is so knowledgeable on theory and I found an interest in music theory. Something which I had always thought was the boring pre-curser to the fun hands-on stuff. He left me with resources to practice with and his enthusiasm made me want to practice during the time between lessons. He is also just a very lovey respectful young man and so willing to share his knowledge with others. That's all I wanted to say.

Great website and I had such a fantastic experience with it! Warm


Rachel W

Recordings and Videos

I Love it! you are always kind of rooted in expression and feeling, in some context, of styles of music, but not fixed to one, but kind of moving in a way that feels both free, yet still not disrespectful to "rules" that are still there.. and like in an open flow state.. almost impossible to put in to words, but it is a subtle but very clear experience that is kind of going to my heart, and that is hard to find



Congratulations to Cam Taylor for a signal achievement in books on intonation: a beginner-friendly introduction that is also expert-enchanting, at once a tour de force of accessible teaching and a treasure trove of theoretical information and useful lists.
So Cam’s book can teach an old dog some new tricks; but its emancipated interval class and chain of fifths focus, combined with a diverse selection of scalar material and exquisite balance of melodic and harmonic dimensions make it an outstanding choice for a beginner with any kind of keyboard, generalized or otherwise.


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